第29届中国(济南)建筑装饰暨定制家居博览会2023年4月开幕 |
添加时间:2023/2/19 11:01:24 浏览次数: |
展览日期:2023年4月14-16日 展览地点:山东国际会展中心(槐荫区二环西路与日照路交叉口西北100米) 预计展商:2000家 预计观众:80000名 展览面积:100000平方米
1号馆:绿色建筑/建材/地坪/地铺技术 2号馆:移门/系统门窗/入户门/庭院门 3号馆:高端定制品牌 4号馆:全屋定制生态 5号馆:智能家居/厨卫设施/装饰画/家居软装 6号馆:岩板/石材/陶瓷/胶粘剂/美缝剂 7号馆:空间设计/选材/灯饰照明/建筑电气 8号馆:物业设施/智慧停车/园林景观/庭院设施 户外展区:建筑机械/工程机械 The 29th China (Jinan) International Architectural Decoration & Custom Home Exhibition will be in 2023 April 14-16, grand opening in Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center. The exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, exhibitors are expected to 2,000 +, 80,000 + person-time professional buyers, in the exhibition scale, audience invitation, section setting, promotion, on-site service and many other aspects of the comprehensive upgrade, a magnificent everyone's housing construction industry chain event will shock!
With the experience of the 28th exhibition, Jinan Construction Expo has established a good reputation in the industry, and has developed into the flagship exhibition of the residential construction and decoration industry in northern China. It has been praised by many people in the industry as a must to seek business opportunities and negotiate cooperation. The exhibition will hold a conference forum, design competition, new product release, business matchmaking and other activities at the same time, to help exhibitors and visitors to understand the market trend, to show the strong development potential of the housing construction industry.
上一页 第六届用户喜欢的别墅铝艺门十大品牌评选正在进行中 |
下一页 2023中国(北京)国际建筑装饰及材料博览会即将开幕 |