邢台人脸识别工地实名在优势介绍(三) |
添加时间:2023/2/24 9:05:03 浏览次数: |
在安全门禁方面,企业人脸识别门禁考勤系统通道闸“刷脸通行”的方式具有真实性,能够对每个进出的员工进行实名制认证,杜绝了外来闲杂人等随意进出工地的情况发生。当陌生访客需要进入工地时,管理者能够通过手机APP对其人脸信息进行确认,确认无误后即可开启门禁,减少安全隐患,完善了建筑工地的人员安全管理。 The realization of mastering the total number of workers at the construction site, the data information of workers, the attendance status of different types of work, etc., is conducive to the intelligent control of the construction progress of the developer, and the control and management of the site workers. Associated with personal ID information, effectively prevent others to punch the card caused by attendance chaos, effectively regulate the payment of workers' wages, record management of construction units unpaid wages, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers. It can also put an end to illegal employment of construction units, protect the legitimate rights and interests of both construction units and site workers, and avoid unnecessary salary disputes. |
上一页 邢台电动伸缩门遥控器的配置方法 |
下一页 邢台人脸识别工地实名在优势介绍(二) |