邢台道路护栏安装中需要注意的事项 |
添加时间:2023/4/8 17:15:34 浏览次数: |
道路护栏在设备的时分有许多需求留心的当地,下面便是设备的时分需求留心的事项:不得在已设备完结的护栏上涂改砂浆及挂放杂物。为防污染,在交叉作业过程中,护栏需盖上维护膜。对已设备好的护栏再进行一次表面收拾,修补划痕,确保表面润滑洁净。 Road guardrail has a lot of need to pay attention to the time of equipment, the following is the time of equipment need to pay attention to the matters: not in the equipment completed on the guardrail painted mortar and hanging debris. In order to prevent pollution, in the process of cross operation, the guardrail needs to be covered with maintenance film. The guardrail has been equipped with a surface cleaning, repair scratches, to ensure that the surface lubrication is clean. 工人在设备护栏前须知的安全、环保、文明施工教育施工人员有必要严格执行现场安全出产规章制度。施工人员进入现场要戴好安全帽、安全带、焊接人员有必要穿好绝缘鞋。施工前有必要进行安全技术交底不违章作业,恪守安全人员指挥。 Workers in front of the equipment guardrail notice safety, environmental protection, civilized construction education construction personnel is necessary to strictly implement the site safety production rules and regulations. Construction personnel should wear safety hats, safety belts and insulation shoes when entering the site. Before construction, it is necessary to disclose safety technology without violating regulations and abide by the command of safety personnel. 维护悉数安全设备和用具,做到正确运用不随意拆改。进入施工现场戴好个人防护用品并正确运用,严格恪守操作规程和悉数安全规章制度。施工现场材料应堆积规整,对每天施工剩下的边角料进行收拾、清扫,做到工完料净场所清。 Maintain all safety equipment and appliances, do not use the correct change. Enter the construction site wear personal protective equipment and correct use, strictly abide by the operating procedures and all safety rules and regulations. Construction site materials should be stacked regular, the daily construction of the remaining scraps, cleaning, to achieve the completion of the material clean place. 对施工区域、风险区域树立耀眼的警示标志,并采用维护办法。焊接时要设有专人照顾,备好消防器材,焊接结束马上检查现场,承认无风险后,方可撤离现场。施工现场禁止随地大小便,禁止废物乱堆乱倒。采用各种有用办法,下降施工过程中发生的噪音,努力做到施工不扰民。
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